Estimated read time 3 min read

Aussies urged to speak to GP about Covid-19 plan if they’re at higher risk of symptoms

[ad_1] Most Australians at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid-19 don’t have a plan in place with their GP if they get [more…]

Estimated read time 3 min read

Hundreds of jobs at risk if Australia’s biggest plastic and chemical manufacturer Qenos shuts down

[ad_1] Rumours continue to swirl that Australia’s biggest plastics and chemical manufacturer could shut down, putting 700 manufacturing jobs, supply chains and the nation’s recycling [more…]

Estimated read time 3 min read

Lobbyists’ easy access to MPs increases corruption risk, Senate inquiry

[ad_1] Federal ministers should be forced to publish their diaries each month and lobbyists access to leaders should be restricted to counter undue influence and [more…]

Estimated read time 3 min read

Millions at risk as common contraceptive ‘increases chance of deadly brain tumours’

[ad_1] Taking certain contraceptives and HRT medications could increase your risk of brain tumours, a new study suggests. Women who were on some progestogen drugs [more…]

Estimated read time 6 min read

A proposed mega merger could see chemist prices rise and patient care put at risk, critics warn

[ad_1] As the competition watchdog begins probing a planned mega merger between two pharmacy giants, critics warn Australian consumers could end up paying dearly for [more…]